Jay & Wendy Razzouk

For 10 yrs Jay helped remedy mismanagement at Fortune 100s. He left the corporate sector in 2017 to pursue his passion of helping business owners grow lasting enterprises.

Wendy brings over 15yrs experience in business systems and processes working with corporate entertainment technology, health & wellness, and small business coaching and consulting -- helping businesses deploy systems that can handle tens of thousands of users and generate millions in sales - while being easy to operate.

Jay took a brief hiatus from the law when he and Wendy filmed over 150 interviews for a documentary on mental health.

The interviews opened our eyes to how important coaching is to change lives and the world we live in. This further cemented our conviction that love is central to health, happiness, and success, which radically changed how Jay practices law.

Since starting his own practice, Jay has been representing coaches & influencers who were inadvertently stepping on legal landmines or facing devastating losses in their business - often due to one bad actor who saw an opportunity to exploit a well-meaning, generous, and under-protected entrepreneur.

After linking arms with hundreds of coaches & consultants, we realized that most were vulnerable to the same kind of devastating issues and that better legal guidance and solutions were needed to help coaches build their business on a solid foundation so they can serve fully, share their message broadly, and help their clients get the transformation they offer.

ProSCALE Legalâ„¢ Templates & Coaching was created to fill this need.